About RumbleSoft, Inc.


RumbleSoft’s mission is to help the family genealogist discover as much information as possible regarding their family history. Using our software will enable the genealogist to hone his/her research and visually identify additional research opportunities.

GenDetective® is a compliment to your existing software.  It provides extensive reporting, mapping, and insight into your family tree beyond the scope of your chosen family tree manager software program.

While many software utilities for genealogy have been designed and written by genealogists who write software as a hobby, GenDetective was designed by a genealogy hobbyist who designs and writes commercial software.

In addition to GenDetective, RumbleSoft offers:

    1. The Traveling Genealogist® – a series of research guides that help you plan your research
    2. Record retrieval services for genealogists who are unable to travel to Mid-Atlantic archives including:
      • National Archives – Washington, DC.
      • National Archives – College Park, Md
      • Pennsylvania & New Jersey Repositories
    3. Speaking at conferences, genealogical societies, and genealogical institutes.