Genealogy Speaker

picture of Sandy RumbleSandy started her career as a software developer and trainer. For over 30 years, Sandy was the go-to person to train new users in cutting-edge software developing in-house training programs for new development tools. Expanding her interest in teaching outside the software industry, Sandy began teaching genealogy, DNA testing, the Constitution, Congress, and the judicial system at the Delaware Valley University Center for Learning in Retirement. Sandy recently began speaking at genealogical institutes, conferences, genealogical and historical societies, and DAR Chapters. As a course coordinator for GRIP, Sandy coordinated Documentation for Lineage Societies and co-coordinated Answering the Call of Uncle Sam, an exploration of 18th & 19th century American military records.  Email Sandy to invite her to speak at your event.

What an attendee says about Sandy: thank you for the wonderful presentation you did about military records. Your explanations were so clear and detailed. I felt like I was in a college course with a professor who not only knows their material backwards and forwards but who truly knows how to teach others. It was so informative and I got a very helpful reminder that it is always important to check the others who enlisted with relatives who served. So often I get blinded by the thrill of the chase and forget to attend to all the clues! -Delores


  1. American Military Records of the 18th and 19th Century
  2. Federal Military Bounty Lands
  3. Homesteading Records
  4. Lineage Society Applications
  5. Researching in Pennsylvania
    1. Colonial Records through today
    2. Using County Courthouse Records: probate files, deeds, orphans court records, tax records, civil & criminal records
    3. Religious records
    4. State Archives records
  6. Research Trip Planning
    1. The County Courthouse
    2. The National Archives (US)
    3. Regional Repositories
    4. The State Archives

Recent Presentations

  1. GLO’ing with BLM Records (Tennessee Genealogical Society, Nov. 2024)
  2. Penn’s Land Records (Tennessee Genealogical Society, Jul. 2024)
  3. GRIP 2024, Marching Off to War: Advanced Military Research and Methodology
  4. GLO’ing with the BLM Records (OGS, Apr. 2024)
  5. The Ohio-Michigan War: How Michigan Became a State (OGS, Apr. 2024)
  6. Exploring Early Land Transactions in the Northwest Territory and Ohio (OGS, Apr. 2024)
  7. Land for Revolutionary War Veterans in Ohio (Ohio Genealogical Society-OGS, Apr. 2024)
  8. American Military Records, Federal Records for 18th & 19th Century (The Surname Society, Mar. 2024)
  9. American Military Records, Federal Records for 18th & 19th Century (Genealogical Society of New Jersey, Aug. 2023)
  10. The Trails Through Penns Wood, Records of Colonial Pennsylvania (Tennessee Genealogical Society, Jan. 2023, Wake County Genealogical Society, Jul. 2023)
  11. Applied Genealogy Institute Fall 2022, They Marched from Boys to Men: Nineteenth Century Military Research
  12. Researching Your Civil War Ancestors (Lehigh Valley Heritage Museum, May 2022)
  13. The Forgotten Wars 1796-1850  (Tennessee Genealogical Society, Feb. 2022)
  14. Finding Those Who Marched (Bethlehem Chapter NSDAR, Oct. 2021)
  15. GLO’ing with BLM Records (Jamboree 2021)
  16. GRIP 2021, Answering the Call of Uncle Sam
  17. 400 Years In America, Joining the General Society of Mayflower Descendants (Mainline Genealogy Club, Nov. 2021)
  18. Our Representative Republic (Delaware Valley University, Center for Learning in Retirement, Spring 2020)
  19. GRIP 2020, Documentation for Lineage Societies