National Archives (DC)

The National Archives, Washington, D.C. branch, is the home to many government records, including:

  • Federal Military Records for service before WW1
  • General Land Office Records, including military bounty lands and homesteading records
  • The Legislative Archives for Congress, both the House and Senate

If you have ancestors who homesteaded or serviced in the US military before World War I, they are likely to have records in the National Archives! When NARA is open, RumbleSoft visits every 4-8 weeks to research and retrieve records for ourselves or our clients.

Federal records can be very rich in genealogical information and can be used to flesh out the story of your ancestor. Our order form page includes the price and link to the order forms for various NARA DC record requests.

Frequent Record Requests for Archives 1
AGO Bookmark File
Bounty Land Application Packet
Bounty Land Warrant File (GLO Records)
Carded Medical Record(s)
CMSR (compiled military service record, includes carded medical records)
Land Entry Case File
Military Pension Packet
Private Law Supporting Documentation
Record of Events