What Our Customers Say

See what our customers have to say about GenDetective!

The reports are a great way to take a fresh look at my research materials There were a surprising number of holes in individual families that I thought were completed. That fresh look led to new research of other sources that weren’t available when I researched that line several years ago. -Sharon
Love the reports -Mike
I really enjoy the program -Jennifer
3.0 is faster, sleeker, more flexible and more valuable in pointing me to the priorities that keep me on track with my research. Well done! -John
I am thrilled that such a product exists .. The map function is awesome! .. this is a valuable tool for researchers – beginners and experts alike .. -Sheryl
I am finding this very interesting and informative. I love all the different reports that are available which will make my research efforts easier. I am very glad Sandy has taken the time and effort to create this program. This is a program that I think all genealogists should have. -Terry
.. this program is superior .. -John W
GenDetective is a great tool for genealogists to use when planning trips to obtain information. -Elaine
I really liked your genealogy lesson within the video. I was expecting you to just explain how to use the software but was pleasantly surprised at the amount of actual genealogical teaching you provided. As the former registrar of my DAR chapter and genealogy workshop leader and presenter, I noticed some very important comments that many new genealogists don’t consider when doing genealogy or just research in trying to get into a lineage society. -Charlene
Your GenDetective® program is tremendously useful to me with my family research and helping me clean up inconsistencies and holes in my family tree. And I am amazed and thankful for what You have created and made available for family researchers. -Jim