
2015 Archived Posts

GenDetective blog posts from 2015

These posts are here for archival purposes, in an Adobe PDF format, refer to the original release of GenDetective 2015.

Published Post Title
04 Jan 2015 Goodbye Old (Not My) Ancestors, Hello New Ancestors!
08 Jan 2015 The Family Tree Do Over
13 Jan 2015 The Source Timeline
21 Jan 2015 Researching Census Records In GenDetective
22 Jan 2015 Census Reports In GenDetective 2
27 Jan 2015 Researching Census Records On Microfilm & Paper
07 Feb 2015 Digging Deeper Into Census Records
15 Feb 2015 Did I Miss Information In That Census Record?
28 Feb 2015 My Vital Documents
01 Mar 2015 My Vital Documents Report
24 May 2015 My First Trip To The National Archives
14 Oct 2015 Creating A Location History CSV
13 Oct 2015 GenDetective Version 2.4 Now Available!
13 Oct 2015 Location History CSV
28 Oct 2015 Geography And Genealogy
05 Nov 2015 Assigning GPS Coordinates in GenDetective 2
11 Nov 2015 Maps Are Possible With Coordinates
22 Nov 2015 Civil War Pensions At The National Archives
23 Nov 2015 Civil War Pension: William B Hayes
24 Nov 2015 Civil War Pension: Andrew Shoch Or Is It Shock?
24 Nov 2015 Shop Small Business 2015!
25 Nov 2015 Civil War Pension: Col. Samuel Yohe
26 Nov 2015 Civil War Pension: William H Shoch
27 Nov 2015 Civil War Pension: John M Hays
30 Nov 2015 Civil War Pension: Samuel Kenly
01 Dec 2015 Civil War Pension: Alexander C Sloan
03 Dec 2015 Civil War Pension: Cunningham Kenley
04 Dec 2015 Civil War Pension: The GenDetective Reports
30 Dec 2015 Off Topic .. Passwords & Security

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