
Posts about using GenDetective

  • GenDetective

    2019 Archived Posts

    GenDetective blog posts from 2019 These posts are here for archival purposes, in an Adobe PDF format, refer to the original release of GenDetective 2019. Published Post Title 01 Jan 2019 2018 My Year of DNA Research 03 Jan 2019 My Map View: That’s Not Where My Family Was At! 08 Jan 2019 My Map View: What Places Did GenDetective Pick For My Family? 16 Jan 2019 My Map View: People Versus Events? 22 Jan 2019 My Map View: Country Maps 22 Jan 2019 My Map View: State Maps For Other Countries 05 Feb 2019 My Map View: State Maps for The United States 13 Feb 2019 My Map View:…

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  • GenDetective

    2018 Archived Posts

    GenDetective blog posts from 2018 These posts are here for archival purposes, in an Adobe PDF format, refer to the original release of GenDetective 2018. Published Post Title 24 Jan 2018 GenDetective Version 3.1 Now Available! 24 Jan 2018 What If Purple Is My Least Favorite Color? 20 Jan 2018 What Is My Tree View? 07 Mar 2018 Those Darn Wells’ .. The Problem 14 Mar 2018 Those Darn Wells’ .. The Approach 26 Mar 2018 Those Darn Wells’ .. Our Hall 29 Mar 2018 Those Darn Wells’ .. A Mountain Of Data 07 May 2018 Those Darn Wells’ .. Starting With Marriages 10 May 2018 What Is My Family…

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  • GenDetective

    2017 Archived Posts

    GenDetective blog posts from 2017 These posts are here for archival purposes, in an Adobe PDF format, refer to the original release of GenDetective 2017. Published Post Title 16 Jan 2017 2016: The Year I Broke Thru 2 Genealogy Brick Walls! 13 Feb 2017 We’re Related App Milestone — 100 Matches! 21 Apr 2017 Is There Going To Be A GenDetective Version 3? 25 May 2017 GenDetective v3: Different Screen Sizes 30 May 2017 GenDetective and New WWII Draft Registration Cards 20 Jun 2017 GenDetective v3: Remove MS Access Report Engine! 27 Jul 2017 GenDetective v3: Enhanced Research Progress! 25 Aug 2017 GenDetective v3: My Video Library Enhancements 30 Aug…

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  • GenDetective

    2016 Archived Posts

    GenDetective blog posts from 2016 These posts are here for archival purposes, in an Adobe PDF format, refer to the original release of GenDetective 2016. Published Post Title 05 Jan 2016 Hello New Ancestors 10 Jan 2016 Connecting To Database Redux 23 Jan 2016 Local Tax Records 09 Feb 2016 This And That 13 Apr 2016 Jackpot! 1 Sep 2016 Have You Been A Selfish FindAGrave User Too? 23 Dec 2016 The We’re Related App 29 Dec 2016 Looking Back At 2016

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  • GenDetective

    2015 Archived Posts

    GenDetective blog posts from 2015 These posts are here for archival purposes, in an Adobe PDF format, refer to the original release of GenDetective 2015. Published Post Title 04 Jan 2015 Goodbye Old (Not My) Ancestors, Hello New Ancestors! 08 Jan 2015 The Family Tree Do Over 13 Jan 2015 The Source Timeline 21 Jan 2015 Researching Census Records In GenDetective 22 Jan 2015 Census Reports In GenDetective 2 27 Jan 2015 Researching Census Records On Microfilm & Paper 07 Feb 2015 Digging Deeper Into Census Records 15 Feb 2015 Did I Miss Information In That Census Record? 28 Feb 2015 My Vital Documents 01 Mar 2015 My Vital Documents…

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  • GenDetective

    2014 Archived Posts

    GenDetective blog posts from 2014 These posts are here for archival purposes, in an Adobe PDF format, refer to the original release of GenDetective 2014. Published Post Title 03 Feb 2014 GenDetective 2.2 Now Available! 04 Feb 2014 #1 Question Asked About GenDetective 13 Feb 2014 Connecting To Database .. 25 Feb 2014 End Of The Line For Windows XP 25 Feb 2014 Windows 7 or Windows 8? 25 Feb 2014 What About My Files And Software? 24 Mar 2014 EMail Privacy 24 Mar 2014 Nothing In Life Is Free .. 13 Apr 2014 An Exciting Day In PA Records Is At Hand 04 May 2014 Got Death Certificates Whats…

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  • GenDetective

    2013 Archived Posts

    GenDetective blog posts from 2013 These posts are here for archival purposes, in an Adobe PDF format, refer to the original release of GenDetective 2013. Published Post Title 08 Jan 2013 New GenDetective Reports Are Alternative To Spreadsheets 28 Jan 2013 Sneak Peak: Maps in GenDetective 2013 05 Feb 2013 Research Progress Worksheet 18 Feb 2013 What Is The GenDetective Analysis? 09 Mar 2013 Getting More From My Census Records 01 Apr 2013 Aliasing (or Mapping) Events in GenDetective 14 May 2013 It’s Been A While 21 May 2013 Sneak Peak: Maps and Trip Planning in GenDetective 11 Jun 2013 Lets Talk About Sources & Citations 18 Jun 2013 Sources…

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  • GenDetective

    2012 Archived Posts

    GenDetective blog posts from 2012 These posts are here for archival purposes, in an Adobe PDF format, refer to the original release of GenDetective 2012. Published Post Title 24 Feb 2012 New Unindexed Census Report 13 Mar 2012 The Research Trip Guide 29 Mar 2012 Trip Planning: Cemetery Reports 09 Apr 2012 Trip Planning: More Cemetery Reports 24 Apr 2012 Personal Research Goals 08 May 2012 Personal Research Goal Reports 26 May 2012 Working With Death Indexes 11 Jun 2012 Working With Birth Indexes 19 Jun 2012 What Would I Use These Reports For? 16 Jul 2012 Horray! The 1940 Census is 50% Indexed 04 Sep 2012 Summer Genealogy Musings…

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  • GenDetective

    2011 Archived Posts

    GenDetective blog posts from 2011 These posts are here for archival purposes, in an Adobe PDF format, refer to the original release of GenDetective 2011. Published Post Title 14 Jul 2011 Welcome to the GenDetective™ Blog 02 Aug 2011 Location, Location, Location! 16 Aug 2011 Help Standardize My Locations! 31 Aug 2011 Generic Location = Research Opportunity! 30 Sep 2011 So Many Reports, Where Do I Start? 12 Nov 2011 New to the Reporter: Reports By Task

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