
2019 Archived Posts

GenDetective blog posts from 2019

These posts are here for archival purposes, in an Adobe PDF format, refer to the original release of GenDetective 2019.

Published Post Title
01 Jan 2019 2018 My Year of DNA Research
03 Jan 2019 My Map View: That’s Not Where My Family Was At!
08 Jan 2019 My Map View: What Places Did GenDetective Pick For My Family?
16 Jan 2019 My Map View: People Versus Events?
22 Jan 2019 My Map View: Country Maps
22 Jan 2019 My Map View: State Maps For Other Countries
05 Feb 2019 My Map View: State Maps for The United States
13 Feb 2019 My Map View: County Maps
26 Feb 2019 It’s Institute Registration Time
05 Mar 2019 DNA Enhancements Announced At RootsTech
24 Apr 2019 GenDetective Update v3.3 Now Available
01 May 2019 Are You Going To Jamboree?
16 May 2019 Jamboree Exhibit Hall
28 May 2019 50th Anniversary of Southern California Jamboree


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